‘Stones and Bones’ at museum this weekend

By Rob Vogt
If you have found an old arrowhead or bone in your yard or field, it may provide a clue to the history of the area.
This weekend, the Archaeological Society of Alberta Calgary and Lethbridge Centres is hosting an artifact and fossil identification weekend at the Claresholm and District Museum.
The “Stones and Bones Weekend” takes place Saturday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m, and Sunday, May 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bill Kells, executive director of the Claresholm and District Museum, said the archaeological society approached the museum last year about hosting an event.
“We’re just thrilled about it,” said Kells.
Everyone is invited to bring their arrowheads, artifacts, or any fossils or bones to the museum.
Archaeologists and paleontologists from the Royal Alberta Museum will be on hand to identify the artifacts, fossils, bones and more.
Kells said a lot of landowners find arrowheads and hammerheads in their fields, and they may provide a clue to the history of the area.
The archaeologists and paleontologists want to identify the items and document where they were found to map the area for hunting and migration patterns and more.
Kells stressed the Royal Alberta Museum will not take anything people bring for identification.
“They (the Royal Alberta Museum) have no interest in keeping people’s stuff,” Kells said. “No interest in acquiring it.”
“Stones and Bones” is free of charge, and will also include a children’s colouring area, archaeological display, and other family friendly activities.
Because part of “Stones and Bones” is on Mother’s Day, the first 50 mothers who attend will receive a complimentary carnation.