Number of reasons to join Claresholm and District Chamber of Commerce

By Rob Vogt
The Claresholm and District offers a number of benefits to its members.
Kendall Schille, president of the chamber of commerce, said the chamber is the public face of the collective businesses of the community.
The chamber offers opportunities for the members to connect with each other; network; get involved in the community; and pool their collective resources to come up with solutions for challenges facing businesses in the community.
The chamber also offers “Opportunities for Growth”, a periodic public education series with the Town of Claresholm’s Economic Development Committee.
Topics in the past have included employer-employee relations; the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot: mental health in the workplace; and much more.
Right now, the chamber has about 120 members, and memberships are available.
Information on how to join the chamber of commerce is available on the chamber website at (no dashes or spaces).
It outlines several reasons to join as well:
Members are active in the community and help make Claresholm a better place to live and do business. Members can volunteer on one of the chamber’s policy committees, or contribute directly to the chamber’s advocacy efforts.
Members can gain referrals to grow their business through the chamber team and fellow members.
Members receive access to chamber networking and business development workshops by industry leaders to gain new perspectives and business strategies.
The chamber is the members’ voice to ensure that policy makers are aware of business issues, and making members part of the bigger political picture – no matter the size.
Members benefit from discounts through the chamber’s Business Savings Program on gas, couriers, insurance, banking and payroll services, as well as the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan. A complete list of benefits is available on the chamber website.
Schille said the past few years have been challenging for the chamber.
The pandemic has severely affected the chamber’s activities, but it is now in a rebuilding phase with a new board.
“We’ve got some new members with some great ideas,” she said.
They are also reaching out to members and asking them, “What would you like us to do?”
“The chamber will do what you want us to do if you tell us,” Schille said.
The chamber has several upcoming events as well.
In partnership with the Claresholm Local Press, the chamber of commerce will be putting on Old Fashioned Christmas on Friday, Dec. 1.
The chamber is also holding its annual business awards, with the winners to be announced at the chamber’s second annual community Christmas party on Dec. 2 at the Claresholm Community Centre.
Schille encourages every business to consider joining the chamber of commerce.
“I see a lot of value in a collective voice and a united front in advocating (for business),” she said. “There is strength in our diversity of voices coming together.”
For more information o the Claresholm and District Chamber of Commerce, please visit (no dashes or spaces).