Division outlines use of personal mobile devices in schools

By Rob Vogt
The use in area schools of personal mobile devices, such as cell phones, tablets and smart watches, will not be allowed during class time and, in the case of high school, unless given permission for a specific purpose.
That was just part of the Livingstone Range School Division’s personal mobile devices and social media in schools plan outlined in a letter the division sent out on Aug. 27.
A personal mobile device is a personal electronic device that can be used to communicate with, or access the Internet, such as a cellphone, tablet, laptop, or smart watch.
Every school in the division will have a plan, which outlines school use, device storage, social media on school networks, infractions and disciplinary action, parent notification, and roles and responsibilities of students, parents, and staff. School plans will be available during the first week of school.

The division-wide requirements include:

Kindergarten to Grade 9
• Students may not have or access a personal mobile device during the school day, including during breaks, that is recess and lunch.

Grades 10 to 12
• Students may not have or access a personal mobile device during class time, but may access devices during breaks, such as recess, lunch, and spares.
• Students may access a personal mobile device during class time for a specific educational task or purpose with teacher permission and school administration approval.
All students Kindergarten to Grade 12
• Personal mobile devices brought to school must be stored in a locker, where available, or in another location indicated by the school plan.
• Students may access a personal mobile device for a diagnosed health or medical reason, with a physician’s confirmation, or for individualized educational support, as approved by school administration.
• Personal mobile devices are not to be used in change rooms or washrooms.
• All schools will have restricted access to social media platforms on school networks.

• Staff are expected to follow the school plan, use personal mobile devices as outlined in the board policies and administrative procedures, and should only use their personal mobile device for defined educational and work purposes or during scheduled break and lunch periods.
In the event of an emergency, parents and guardians will be able to contact their children through the school office.
Later in September, the board of trustees will seek stakeholder feedback on the division’s personal mobile device and social media in schools expectations and will consider any revisions/adjustments.
On June 20, 2024 the provincial government passed a ministerial order governing the use of personal mobile devices and social media in schools. The order includes a requirement for school authorities to have policies and/or procedures in place no later than Jan. 1, 2025.