Stavely volunteer honoured with Northern Lights Award
By Rob Vogt
A long-time Stavely volunteer has been honoured with a special award from the Province of Alberta.
On Jan. 9, Dale Ohler was recognized with an Alberta Northern Lights award for supporting youth and the community as a volunteer with numerous organizations.
“Through a lifetime of service that has included overcoming numerous personal challenges, Dale Ohler has demonstrated the kind of resilience and community spirit that has made him a role model and inspiration for those in his community of Stavely,” the nomination reads.
“Over the years, Dale has served as an active member of the Stavely Agricultural Society and numerous other service clubs.
“Despite a major accident that left him a quadriplegic almost 20 years ago, Dale’s remarkable energy and tenacity has never dimmed and his continued service has inspired a new generation of volunteers. Local minor hockey and figure skating clubs have benefited from Dale’s leadership and support, and local 4-H participants have learned skills that they will carry throughout their own lives.
“Having served as vice-president, president and director, Dale has become a much-appreciated fixture in the Stavely Ag Society. The organization continues to progress thanks to his imagination and impeccable grant writing skills, which have helped secure funding for vital projects within the small but vibrant rural community.
“For demonstrating the strength of character and generosity of spirit that has endeared him to the community, Dale Ohler shines as an Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program recipient.”
Ohler was surprised by the award.
“The community has done so much for us, it’s easy for me to help and do what I can,” he said. “It’s all of them that make it work for me.”
Everything Ohler is able to accomplish, he said, is done with the support and assistance of the community.
“Everybody really helps me do all this stuff,” he said.
Ohler cited grant writing as an example.
Whatever grant he applies for requires a lot of detail provided by community organizations.
“Without the information, it just wouldn’t happen,” Ohler said.
The Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program honours the everyday heroes who are helping to make life better in communities across the province.