Gulka, Michael

August 10, 1929 – October 7, 2023

Michael worked in a smelter in Flin Flon, MB. Then he moved on to Palm Dairies delivering milk in Calgary, and finished his working life as a custodian for the Calgary school board.
He retired on August 10, 1994 to Stavely, Alberta where he took up the hobby of gardening on his 20 acres. He had a large garden and was especially fond of going to the farmers markets and visiting with other entrepreneurs. Many evenings you would find him sitting in the shade shelling peas getting ready for the markets.
Dad was also active in curling, golfing and bowling. He had quite a selection of trophies he won during those days and actually made it to TV bowling in Calgary.
From Stavely he moved on to Lethbridge where he had a shot at TRYING to break the bank at the local casino and horse races. Neither of which paid off very well, but he enjoyed the challenge.
Dad had a real love for playing the accordion, and in his younger days played at many Saturday night dances as well as wedding socials.
A private family Graveside Service was held at the I.O.O.F. Stavely Cemetery on Thursday, October 12, 2023.

Obituaries Archived