Fire department offering special birthday celebration

Hit parade - The Claresholm Fire Department is offering mini-parades of trucks using lights and sirens to help celebrate children’s birthdays during this time of COVID-19 when gatherings are being discouraged. Here, they celebrate a local girl’s 13th birthday on April 4.
By Rob Vogt, Local Press Writer
What better way to celebrate your birthday then having a fire engine blaring with full sound and lights.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, children are not able to have the same birthday party gatherings they used to, so the Claresholm Fire Department has decided to do their part to help that.
The fire department is offering mini-parades of fire trucks for a child’s birthday.
“We do a drive-by, lights and sirens on,” said Craig White, chief of the Claresholm Fire Department.
The mini-parades will be drive-by only, and the trucks will not be able to stop or give tours of the trucks, but they will use all the lights and make as much noise as they can.
The fire department is only able to do this when members are available as well.
However, that should not be a problem.
White said they borrowed the idea from the Vulcan Fire Department. The Claresholm department asked members, and put out a call on social media.
The members seemed pretty excited by this idea when they responded.
So far, the response has been resounding as the department has already done six mini-parades this past
week and weekend and has had requests right into mid-April.
“It gives them a little something for their birthday,” White said.
Anyone interested in booking a mini-parade can e-mail Fire Chief
Craig White at
to schedule a time.