Council approves cannabis consumption bylaw

Getting ready for legalized marijuana

By Rob Vogt, Local Press Writer

With the legalization of cannabis for recreational use coming into effect Oct. 17, Claresholm town council has approved a bylaw governing consumption of cannabis.

At its Oct. 22 meeting, council passed the final two readings of the bylaw that was introduced at council’s Oct. 9 meeting.

At that meeting, council reviewed a report from administration outlining how municipalities will respond to the legalization of possession and consumption of cannabis.

The report stated the bylaw essentially treats public consumption similar to alcohol.

Public consumption, in all its forms, including smoking is prohibited in all public places. Public place is defined as any place to which the public has access as of right by invitation, express or implied.

If a request comes forth for consumption to be permitted at a public event, that request is handled through a process established for permitted locations. In addition, the smoking bylaw allows for designated smoking areas.

Consumption includes restrictions for individuals authorized to smoke cannabis for medicinal purposes, and the bylaw defers the cannabis user to the regulations set forth in the smoking bylaw.

The addition of a section referencing the respectful consumption of cannabis on property an individual occupies. This section sets out the criteria that should be considered for the respectful consumption of cannabis.

Council also deleted a proposed nuisance consumption section that stated no person shall cause or permit the consumption of cannabis on property they own or occupy if the consumption is likely to disturb the peace of any other individual.