Please scroll down to see the different options and rates we have available at the Claresholm Local Press, or feel free to contact us in order to discuss what the best approach for your budget and business type might be!
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- View online by scrolling through the information.
- Click on an individual image to download the PDF for just that page.
- Click on the download button below to obtain the full Advertising Package.
CLP Advertising Package
We look forward to hearing from you.

Blanket Classified Advertising – Blankets Alberta & NWT
$274 is is all it costs to place up to 25 words in a blanket classified ad, with additional words costing $8.00 each.
Your ad will appear in over 70 community newspapers blanketing Alberta and NWT.
Classified advertising is one of the most highly read community newspaper sections providing a highly effective advertising vehicle.
REACH: Over 80% of Alberta’s non-metro households.
READERSHIP: Over 95% of all adults living in those households.
RESULTS: AWNA newspapers deliver – efficiently and effectively.