Willow Creek Composite high school sends off grads in style

By Rob Vogt
It was a day to celebrate 12 years of hard work and achievement.
Willow Creek Composite High School held their graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 1, sending the grads off in style.
Valedictorian Anderson Leishman used his experiences as a distance runner in his valedictory address.
“I love to run,” he said.
Recently, he competed in his first ultramarathon, which is any race greater than 26.2 miles.
He noted an important part of the race was his crew, all those supported him while he ran. It is important to be grateful to your crew who get you through.
He also came upon an older runner, and learned that humbly taking wisdom prolonged his race. The same can be said of teachers.
Leishman also talked about perseverance. Nothing takes the place of persistence. Even when you think you are done, he said, you still have to keep going.
He concluded by noting high school graduation is not the pinnacle.
Instead, the real world is out there. High school has provided the resources to face the world.
Jack Kitchen, president of the 2024 grad class, paid tribute to the parents, staff, school board, grad committee, and the grads.
Then he called up fellow grads Janell Lange and Cullan Mackrel.
Instead of a guest speaker this year, the class chose to canvas those around them for words of wisdom.
Some of those words were to set goals; learn something new every day; be a lifelong leader; be defiant; and embrace change, deal with and accept it and carry on.
They also heard much more.
Life is tough, but is tougher with a job you hate and a wife you can’t stand. There is no sugar in life without salt. Get the results you want or learn from the process. Knowledge is power. There comes a time to take a position in life because it is right, not necessarily popular. Your dreams will be a gift to the world. If you need advice then ask a senior. If you don’t succeed, you learned. Just be kind.
Brad Schlossberger, mayor of Claresholm who also attended the school, said he was thanked for coming when he walked in, honoured to be there, and felt good to see the grads.
He offered a simple message.
“Be you,” he said. “Today is for you.”
Maryanne Sandberg, reeve of the Municipal District of Willow Creek, said graduation is one chapter in the grads’ lives.
Some may have already found their passion and purpose, and some will after high school.
She said there is one thing each grad can all do – strive to be the best person you can be.
“The world will be a better place,” she said.
Chelsae Petrovic, MLA for Livingstone-Macleod and a graduate of Willow Creek Composite High School, acknowledged the true heroes – the guardians of the grads – before turning her attention to the grads.

Willow Creek Composite High School held its 2024 graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 1, in the school gym, but not before the class gathered for a group photo on the lawn near the Willow Creek Continuing Care Centre. Photo by Rob Vogt