Station looks to Town of Claresholm to manage Mackin Hall

By Rob Vogt
After 10 years, The Station is looking to turn over management of its space at Mackin Hall to the Town of Claresholm.
At town council’s June 10 meeting, Danna Ormstrup, appeared as a delegation to discuss the situation.
She is from the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society and one of the agencies that utilizes The Station.
Ormstrup explained that more than 10 years ago a number of agencies got together to see if they could do better. They all had people who needed services, and people providing those services in coffee shops, libraries, and school gyms.
The idea for the Station was to provide a space where all those providers could offer those services under one roof.
Then they fell in love with Mackin Hall.
Ormstrup said they love the way the town has supported citizens to come meet with those providing services from agencies such as Wild Rose Community Connections; Greater Foothills Family Centre; Inclusion Foothills Association; McMan Youth, Family and Community Association; Family Ties Association; Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society; and Calgary Rural Primary Care Network.
Ormstrup said they got together and organized themselves into a society, and came up with a logo.
Recently, they decided they no longer could be a society that supports this program.
Consequently, Ormstrup came as a delegation to ask the Town of Claresholm to continue to support organizations being able to continue using Mackin Hall.
“And continue to meet citizens’ needs in their own community rather than travel,” Ormstrup said.
She then quoted from a letter by Kale Hayes, president of The Station.
“Given that the town already maintains the operations of Mackin Hall, we are requesting that the town reassumes management of the space but allows the continued use of the site at no cost to community organizations. This arrangement would not incur additional costs for the town and would directly benefit its residents,” he wrote.
He also noted in his letter The Station’s single point of entry, under one roof, coordinated services collaboration has significantly strengthened the lives of all community members in Claresholm.
“The decision to dissolve the society didn’t come easily for us,” Ormstrup said, adding she feels the community is ready to take over.
Mayor Brad Schlossberger asked who would take over.
Ormstrup responded she didn’t know, but hoped the applicable town department would take over. She noted the cost is about $2,000 for utilities and insurance.
Coun. Rod Kettles asked why the space is unique?
Ormstrup replied it provides anonymity, is a community centre, and gives users a sense of ownership.
“They love being in a space they can call their own,” she said.
Ormstrup concluded by thanking the town for everything they have done regarding The Station.
“It’s been a treasure,” she said.
Council does not make any decision on a request from a delegation at the same meeting the request is made, so the matter will be on a future agenda of council.