Claresholm Social Centre hosts open house to welcome in community

By Rob Vogt
The Claresholm Social Centre opened its door to the public this weekend to show everyone what they have to offer.
The centre held an open house on Saturday, Sept. 14, and centre president Marian Rooney said they wanted to let people know about the different activities going on.
Just some of those activities include:
• Quilting;
• Mahjong;
• Chair yoga and nia with Lise Lemoine;
• Stretch and strength with Starla Alder of Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services;
• Mat yoga with Norma Davies;
• Shuffleboard;
• Thursday night game nights, including cribbage;
• Two new pool tables, with leagues currently in the planning stages.
The Soup Bowl is at the social centre on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and averages about 125 visitors per week.
The centre was selling memberships which are $25 from now to Dec. 31.
They were also promoting the fact the centre is available for rent, by e-mailing (no dashes or spaces).
By all accounts the open house was a success.
“We wanted to get people in the door and see what the social centre has to offer,” Rooney said.

The Claresholm Social Centre held an open house on Saturday, Sept. 14, to show everyone all the exciting activities the centre has to offer. At top are Glenna Povey and Sven Busch playing shuffleboard; while above is Terry Mahoney playing pool. Photos by Rob Vogt