Claresholm RCMP report for the month of May

The following complaints/calls for service were made to the Claresholm RCMP Detachment during the month of May, 2024. Not every call/file is listed below, but just the most relevant ones. Some complaints received were later determined to being Unfounded or not Police matters.
Traffic related
• One traffic collision resulting in fatal injuries;
• One reportable non-fatal traffic collision;
• Three reportable traffic collisions;
• Three complaints of speeding, with one charge laid;
• Seventeen complaints of other moving traffic violations, with one charge laid;
• Six complaints of other non-moving traffic violations, with two charges laid;
• One complaint of failing to stop or remain at an accident scene (hit and run);
• Two complaints of driving while disqualified/suspended licence, with one charge laid;
• Three complaints of use of electronic device/cell phone while driving, with one charge laid;
• One roadside driving suspension, that was alcohol related;
• One roadside suspension, that was drug related;
• Two complaints relating to municipal bylaws.
• One complaint of flight from police officer, but no pursuit initiated.
Impaired operation related offences
• Two complaints of impaired driving, involving alcohol and/or drugs.
Other provincial statutes
• Seven reported 911 Act offences;
• Two Liquor Act offence complaints;
• One complaint under the Trespass Act – offence;
• Two Liquor Act – other activities complaints;
• Four reports under the Child Welfare Act;
• One complaint under the Coroner Act;
• Two Mental Health Act complaints;
• One Firearms Act complaint;
• Two complaints involving other provincial statutes;
• Seven complaints involving municipal bylaws.
Other Criminal Code
• Three failure to comply with court orders;
• Nine causing a disturbance complaints.
Persons offences
• Two complaints of uttering threats;
• Three complaints of assault;
• Three complaints of harassing communications.
Property offences
• One complaint of theft of a motorcycle;
• One complaint of possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000;
• Three complaints of fraud over $5,000;
• Two complaints of fraud under $5,000;
• One complaint of obtaining credit by fraud;
• Two complaints of theft from a motor vehicle;
• Two complaints of mischief/damage to property;
• Four complaints of fraud less than $5,000;
• Seven complaints of mischief to property and lawful enjoyment;
• Two complaints of a break and enter into a business;
• One complaint of arson – damage to property.
Drug offences
• Two complaints of possible possession of methamphetamine (crystal meth).
Other police activities
• Nine complaints involving suspicious persons/vehicles/property;
• Five complaints of abandoned vehicles;
• two animal-related calls;
• Three false alarm calls;
• Three lost/found property calls;
• Five complaints of breach of the peace;
• Eleven complaints for well-being checks;
• Two assistance to the general public calls;
• One complaint of a missing person.
In total, there were 210 calls/requests for service for May, 2024 with 194 of those calls being deemed as founded complaints.
Break, enter and thefts
The Claresholm RCMP would like to remind the community of the recent break, enter and thefts, primarily to sheds and garages, that occurred in early June to ensure that all property is properly secured and locked up. Also, ensure that valuable items with serial numbers are recorded, marked or etched with a unique identifying number or word as well as photographing the items. This will then allow police to properly identify the item(s) for possible return of the property to the rightful owner. Also, if possible, install lighting and good quality cameras around your property in order to assist police with identifying any suspects. A variety of cameras are readily available and some are very reasonably priced.
The investigations in to the recent break and enters that occurred are ongoing with suspects being identified and evidence being gathered in order to lay the appropriate charge(s).
Not all of these types of offences that occurred around the same time period were reported to the Claresholm RCMP. Also, some of the offences reported were done so days after the incidents occurred which could hamper police efforts, such as the loss of possible evidence. The Claresholm RCMP is encouraging community members to report any crimes, especially crimes in progress, as soon as possible.