FCSS offers a variety of assistance to local area seniors

By Rob Vogt
Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services will help out seniors wherever they can.
Starla Alder, community outreach coordinator, said they provide a bridge from the seniors’ community to the resources they need.
She and Barbara Bell, director of Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services will help seniors fill out government forms and help guide them through all benefits programs.
Those include Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Alberta Seniors benefit, and more.
They will assist seniors in finding affordable housing, and refer them to facilities such as the Porcupine Hills Lodge.
Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services will help seniors with technology if they have any questions, such as navigating government assistance lines.
They fax documents for seniors, something that is often necessary when applying to programs.
Another popular service is the voluntary tax program, which many seniors utilize.
Volunteers prepare simple tax returns, mainly of lower income.
This year more than 360 returns were prepared during tax season.
They have seniors’ taxes done by the end of April, so if they have or would like to apply for benefits, seniors will have a proof of income listed on a tax return, which is required.
When seniors are downsizing and moving, Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services will try and connect them with movers.
They also can connect seniors with community organizations and services such as the food bank, food rescue, social workers, health care and more.
The office has a variety of resources, offering information and brochures on everything from housekeeping and yard work to foot care, respite care and much more.
Claresholm also has a Coordinated Response to Elder Abuse coalition.
FCSS can be the first contact to access assistance from the coalition, or they can give out the contact information for the director of the coalition.
There will also be a lunch and learn at the town office on Friday, June 23 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on planning for your senior years. It will cover how to avoid pitfalls, estate planning, personal directives, power of attorney, and reducing financial strain.
Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services also offers programs and activities to help seniors get out into the community.
Alder offers a games afternoon for seniors on Tuesday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at youth and community room of the town office building, and leads a seniors’ walking group from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursdays starting at Kin Trail.
They also hosted a seniors’ brunch on June 6 in conjunction with the Claresholm Social Centre.
They also encourage seniors to volunteer in the community, and Bell and Alder will try to match them with volunteer opportunities.
Anyone interested in more information on the services Claresholm and District Family and Community Support Services offers can phone their office at 403-625-4417.
They are located in the new town office and multi-use community building.