Former student returns to school as student teacher

Back to school - Tom Linderman, an education student at the University of Lethbridge, has spent the past month as a student teacher at West Meadow Elementary School. It is a school he attended while growing up in Claresholm. Photo by Rob Vogt
By Rob Vogt, Local Press Writer
It was not too long ago that Tom Linderman roamed the halls of West Meadow Elementary School as a student.
Over the past month he returned to the school to take a spot on the other side of the desk as a student teacher.
The 2019 graduate of Willow Creek Composite High School is doing his first professional semester, or student teaching, at the school from Nov. 15 to Dec. 16.
“This is the first time I’ve been in a classroom,” he said.
Linderman is in his third year at the University of Lethbridge, studying education.
Michelle Watt is the teacher he is working with, and she has provided the opportunity for him to teach all Grade 6 subjects.
“It’s the ideal situation,” Linderman said, because Watt has exposed him to a wide variety of subjects.
He has taught math, science, social studies, English, art, health, and has also coached triple ball, which is an introduction to volleyball.
“I really like math and science,” he said.
Initially, he thought maybe he would like older students, but has enjoyed his time with Grade 6, and would like to explore Grades 6 through 12.
“I want to dip my toes in all those years,” Linderman said.
He convocates in 2024 and would like a job near the mountains, because he likes skiing and biking, but would not rule out teaching in Claresholm either.
After all West Meadow is a school he attended when he was in elementary school, and coming back has been an experience.
“It’s pretty surreal,” he said.
Linderman also joked the school must have lowered the doorways because they seem so much smaller now that he’s an adult.
Some of the teachers that were at the school when he was a student are still there, such as Lynda McGrattan, Don Mackin, Kate Hipkin and Gwynne Orsten.
“I definitely thought I’d never be walking into the teacher’s lounge,” Linderman said with a smile.