Claresholm Public Library welcomes new manager

new at the library - Alex Meic recently joined the staff at the Claresholm Public Library as the new manager. Photo by Rob Vogt
Brings passion for books, wealth of management experience
By Rob Vogt, Local Press Writer
Alex Meic loves books and has a wealth of experience in management.
He hopes to utilize those two things in his new position as manager of the Claresholm Public Library.
Meic started his new role on July 3, and has enjoyed every minute of it.
“It’s been great, the energy here is awesome,” he said.
Meic and his family have lived in Claresholm six years.
Originally from Calgary where he worked in the corporate world more than 20 years, they fell in love with Claresholm almost the moment they first saw it.
They needed a change and decided to make the move.
Managing the public library also dovetails with another passion for Meic.
“I’ve always been a reader,” he said.
From J.R.R. Tolkien and Stephen King to Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe and much more, he has a wide range of interests.
“Books are a lot of fun,” he said. “You can lose yourself in a book.”
Moreover, he likes the feel of a book, and prefers reading from one than off a screen.
“I have to have a physical book,” he said.
Meic also has a lot of goals in his new role.
“My end game is to make the library a hub for the community,” he said. “I want this to be the place to be.”
Part of that includes expanding a collection that already meets a variety of needs.
One example is a collection of books in Braille that is being prepared for circulation. These will be in addition to large print and books on tape for readers with eyesight challenges.
“I really felt it’s a good time to get them in circulation,” Meic said.
He is also familiarizing himself with the library’s collection and getting acquainted with the historical archives.
One project he is working on is a display of volumes with some local significance. An example is a book that was 67 years overdue then returned to the Claresholm library.
He also wants to approach the Claresholm museum to work on some shared initiatives.
His background is in anthropology, so he would like to see a strong library working with a strong museum to provide an opportunity to learn a lot about the community.
Meic also wants it to be a go to for historical research.
He has also seen many of the libraries strengths.
“The patrons are great,” he said, alluding to how many donate books and movies on a regular basis. “We have great support.’
“They are so greatly appreciated,” he later added. “We have the best patrons.”
The staff is also a source of strength.
“I can’t imagine a better team,” Meic said. “We have the sweetest, knowledgeable and most helpful team I’ve ever worked with.
“I’m truly blessed.”
The work of the staff is enhanced by a host of volunteers.
“We have amazing volunteers,” Meic said. “The work these folks do is incredible.
“The volunteers are absolutely fabulous.”